What is a Steep Learning Curve?

What is a Steep Learning CuTrve?

A steep learning curve is an expression which is generally used in colloquial speech to describe the initial difficulty when we learn something which is considered to be difficult and challenging. This concept is more like a metaphor which generally represents a common perception which refers to going up a steep hill is slower than going up a long incline.

In real life use of the term refers to the learning curve model, a steep curve on a learning curve which actually signifies that there is an initial period for fast learning instead of slow learning.

In a learning curve the rate of profession is measured in comparison to time like –

  • If the curve is steep it indicates that the learner is making fast progress in a short period of time and it also indicates that the learner is mastering the skills and tasks rapidly.

  • But if a learner is learning slowly the graph will look less steep which signifies that the person is having difficulty in learning skills. The curve will appear to be shallow and long because of more time and attempts taken by the learner.

We hope after reading this blog we are sure you have clearly understood what a steep curve means and what it indicates in terms of learning. 

Also Read: What is a Steep Learning Curve?
